Multiplayer and Pistols
I have created a simple Sci-fi hallway to use and demonstrate some interesting technical design aspects featured in the video below.
In order of appearance:
An automatic door using a Timeline to change it's transform.
The starting room Streaming In and Out via a Trigger Volume (I used both Streaming volumes and Blueprint based Level Streaming).
A Ray-cast based shooting mechanic with recoil and bullet spread using a Float range.
Recoil Animation created using a Timeline to alter the mesh's transform.
An aiming system using 2 different gun meshes with more Timeline based movement.
The float range is made tighter when aiming causing the gun to shoot in a smaller arh but recoil more.
Simple Sprint mechanic with more Timeline based animations.
Creating a Split-screen session using Blueprint and taking note of the Starting Room no longer streaming out as there are players still within the room.
Switching over to a Hosted LAN session.
Blueprint Replication with individual user game session searching and joining.